Sending Images to a PACS System: An Overview

Sending Images to a PACS System: An Overview

A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a digital system used to store, manage, and share medical images and related data. PACS systems are widely used in healthcare settings to improve the efficiency and accuracy of diagnostic and treatment processes.

There are several ways in which images can be sent to a PACS system. One common method is network transfer, which involves transferring the images over a network, such as the internet or a local area network (LAN). This can be done using secure file transfer protocols (FTP) or other methods.

Another option is to burn the images to a CD or DVD and physically deliver the disc to the PACS system. Images can also be transferred to a removable storage device, such as a USB drive, and plugged into the PACS system.

For hard copies of images, a document scanner can be used to scan the images into the PACS system.

Regardless of the method used to transfer images to a PACS system, it is important to ensure that the images are properly formatted and that the transfer process is secure to prevent any data loss or corruption.

Using a PACS system can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of diagnostic and treatment processes in healthcare settings. By understanding the different ways in which images can be sent to a PACS system, healthcare professionals can take full advantage of this technology to improve patient care."
